In MEASURING THE PULSE the choreographers/ performers Fabian Chyle and Claudia Senoner and artist and scientist Michael Lazar are investigating the interdependence between humans, the atmosphere and urban spaces. We are interested in the phenomena itself and options to work with the topic artistically.
• How do atmospheres influence the behavioral patterns between bodies?
• What kind of vibrations do the bodies experience unconsciously in urban spaces?
And do they embody it in the human body and their movements?
• How do the ambivalences of atmospheres (they are concrete and yet vague) show in
human bodies?
• How do bodies and atmosphere/s interrelate in urban spaces?
• How can we work artistically with the atmospheres which surrounds us?
Looking at ways to reearch the phenomena artistically we are interested in:
• Which choreographic, compositional and artistic options are offered by the
geophysical data and recordings of vibrations?
• How can we use the acustically translation of the recordings of the vibrations in
performative ways in urban spaces?
• How can we make the relationship between humans and atmosphere physically –
tangible (for the performer as well as for the „audience“)?
We conduct two weeks of research – one in Tel Aviv and one in Stuttgart. In both cities we will
• measure and record the pulkse of the city
• make movement obeservations
• translate our physical experience in performative movement sequences/actions
Funding for "Measuring the Pulse" was provided by Fonds Darstellender Künste, Germany